The following are select forms and documents that are available for download by clicking on the item.  Please call or email the Town Clerk/Treasurer at (540) 364-4945 if additional information is needed or to request an application form or order a document.

Business License

To conduct a business in the Town of The Plains a Business License is required.

An approved Zoning Permit, zoning letter, or approval minutes is needed to accompany most Business License Applications or Building Permit Applications.  You can find a Zoning & Sign Permit Application below.


Updated copies of all documents related to planning, zoning, and subdivision can be acquired by contacting the Town Clerk/Treasurer.

  • Comprehensive Plan – Reviewed and reinstated by the Planning Commission & Town Council in 2014 & 2017.
  • The Plan was reviewed and updated by the Planning Commission in 2017.   The recommendations were approved by the Town Council at a Public Hearing in 2017.
  • Subdivision Ordinance – Added administrative approval of boundary line adjustments in 2014.  Copies may be ordered from the Town Clerk or Zoning Administrator.  Fee: $10.00  The current Subdivision Ordinance is under review by the Planning Commission.
  • Rezoning, Special Use Permit, Map & Code Amendment Application. Contact the Town Clerk/Treasurer
  • Subdivision Application – Contact the Town Clerk/Treasurer.
  • Traffic Calming Policies – Adopted by the Planning Commission & Town Council in 2014
  • Zoning Ordinance & Supportive Documents: Official Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Maps.  Please call, e-mail or write the Town Office for copies.  Offical copies are $25.00 each.  Send payments to the Town Clerk/Treasurer.
  • Fauquier County provides building inspections for the Town of The Plains. Before applying for a building permit with Fauquier County an approved Zoning Permit is needed. The Zoning Permit may also be used as application for any signs to be installed within the town.  Improvements,including sighs, within the Historic District require additional review and approvals from the Architectural Review Board (ARB).  No fees are required by the ARB.  The Historic District includes all properties within the town.