Preservation Survey


Please note that each person should submit only one survey response either online or in hard copy.  

If you would prefer to complete a hard copy of this survey, you can download and print one here, or contact [email protected]. A bright green drop box for hard copy submissions is located on the side counter of the Post Office.

This survey is being conducted as part of the larger project to develop a Preservation Plan for the Town of the Plains. The Preservation Plan will have tools to identify, celebrate, and protect the culture and heritage that is important to the community. This is one part of the larger community engagement process and will help the consulting team understand from the community their goals for the project. The responses to this survey will help inform the recommendations of the Preservation Plan and are critical to the project’s success. In this survey, “historic preservation” is defined as the management and care of historic and cultural resources. These resources include, but are not limited to buildings, structures, places, landscapes, viewsheds, and below-ground resources (like archaeological artifacts or cemeteries) that still exist. Additionally, the plan may address more intangible resources like those that have been lost over time, oral histories, or community traditions or practices. These resources contribute to the character of The Plains.